Monday, April 18, 2011

A Black Man That Is Pissed Off

   I just became aware of this video...and hope you will ALL help to MAKE THIS GO VIRAL! MANY people voted for Obama because he said all the 'right' things...and many Black people voted for him because only Heaven knew when another Black person would EVER be nominated for our country's highest office ever again! If this situation had been reversed, and the candidate had been a White person running for president for the very first time, you and I WOULD HAVE DONE THE VERY SAME THING! There are MILLIONS of Black people who would love to be able to vote for a Black candidate who truly loves our country, our Constitution, our American way of life, and who has great Leadership experience and ability! But you'd never know this by looking at all the 'old tired career horses' that the GOP keeps trotting out before us for our approval. White...white...white... Personally, I am sick to death of these career politicians that we, as a White community, have repeatedly voted for! Make no mistake about it, folks...Obama WILL receive a LOT of Independent Black votes if he runs against a White opponent! Too many people of all colors are still not doing their homework and will vote lackadaisically once again just as though the 2012 election is no different than any other presidential race in times past. This is a FACT even if you don't want to hear it! Also, if Obama runs against a White candidate, the race card WILL be played...effectively. We need to come together and choose the candidate that is BEST for our COUNTRY as well as one who will garner the MOST VOTES! We are in a war to save our country and if we lose in 2012, I do believe our country will soon stop being a Republic. Our strategy had better be right on target because we can't afford to lose this next election! I'm tired of people saying they'll "never vote for a black man again" due to "obama". This is insanity when you look at the number of lieing, thieving WHITE politicians we have in office...many who have been voted into office REPEATEDLY! I believe we need to let the Black community have another go at this. If Obama has to run against another Black candidate who loves our country and Constitution, is intelligent, articulate, has a great business track record, can debate him under the table, and has a presidential bearing, Obama will LOSE! IS there a candidate who fits this bill? YES! Mr. Herman Cain! Please check him out at . This man is rapidly rising in Straw Polls all across the country and could EASILY ANHILATE Obama. And that's what I want to do...ANHILATE Obama the way he's trying to anhilate our COUNTRY! (AND a Herman Cain/Allen West ticket would be PHENOMINAL!) :)

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