Well, it looks like the State of Tennessee has found another way to shake down the American public! According to Tennessee laws, police have the right to confiscate YOUR money if it's a "large amount" because it "probably" is "drug money". Why would they think this? BECAUSE YOUR CAR OR TRUCK HAS AN OUT-OF-STATE LICENSE PLATE! And this goes for Truckers as well as for the rest of us 4-wheelers.
Wow! Another 'allowable' use of "Probable Cause" that is unconstitutional because you don't even have to be CHARGED with any crime! Your vehicle can be completely devoid of any signs of drugs having ever been in it and yet your money is STILL TAKEN by the policeman/woman who pulled you over!
While you may be free to continue on your way in your out-of-state car or truck, your money will remain behind to be placed into that county's coffers! And if you want your money back, be prepared to pay for an expensive attorney...while also waiting up to a year or more to have your case heard by a judge!
Interstate 40 West is the side of the road that these 'law enforcement' criminals are targeting. Remember: they're not interested in trying to catch drug runners on the East side of I-40...that's not lucrative nor does it provide instant gratification. The police want the MONEY that they say "could" have been PAID for those drugs and would be coming OUT of Tennessee.
So if you're driving through Tennessee with out-of-state tags and get pulled over for any reason, I hope you're not carrying any large amounts of money with you because odds are that you're not going to have it for very long! Best to keep your money in the bank...and use your debit or credit card!
So much for our Constitutional Rights and Liberties, huh?!
Hand over your money,brwe have probably cause
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