Thursday, May 12, 2011

New Anti-Civil Rights Technology

So are we now to also check underneath our vehicles to see if a GPS device has been planted on it?

This is an illegal action currently being used by law enforcement (FBI) to keep tabs on people deemed to be "suspicious". While we can be TOLD that this action is only being carried out against those who may be classified as terrorists, where is the legally-filed paperwork to back up those words? Where's the "paper trail" that should exist in our court system prior to the planting of any GPS device? If there is enough proof of terroristic behavior to justify planting a GPS device on a suspect's vehicle, why isn't a warrant obtained first as legally mandated?

By the way, just what IS a "terrorist" or "enemy" according to the Obama administration? And what constitutes "suspicious behavior"? Remember that last year Obama and his administration had classified as "enemies" those American citizens who were against many of the unconstitutional activities of this administration...which means that you and I could easily fall into a "terrorist" or "enemy" category just for opposing the actions of this administration!

Isn't this action an INVASION OF OUR PRIVACY? Aren't there already hundreds of laws 'on the books' blueprinting how our law enforcement agencies...from the local police to the FBI...are to LEGALLY obtain information?

The action of planting a GPS device on any person's vehicle without a warrant is illegal and opens up the way for any one of us to fall victim to this tactic depending on what definition of "terrorist" or "enemy" is being used at the time.

Apparently Big Brother isn't just watching anymore. Big Brother now wants to FOLLOW you around.

New Anti-Civil Rights Technology

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