Thursday, January 31, 2013

Be Prepared But Never Hope For War.


The unrest that is presently growing in our country is doing so at an alarming rate.  
The fear that there is nobody left in Congress who gives a darn about the American citizen has grown exponentially and with very good reason.  For example:  

The passing of the National Defense Authorization Act was done "after hours" and on a weekend.  This Act which received full Congressional support (minus 6 or 7 representatives) stripped Americans of their Constitutional Right to a fair trial with Due Process as well as allowing this government to detain us "indefinitely" if any president or federal government agency decides your language is "terroristic" per their own definition (allowed due to the definition of "terrorist" in the NDAA being extremely vague and "open" to any administration's interpretation).

The passing of the Affordable Healthcare Act (widely known as "Obamacare") was done against massive public protest, and not even read by our "representatives" in D.C. although they knew they were passing a bill OVER 2000 PAGES LONG! To say that this was irresponsible is an understatement.  

Now we have this administration infringing on our 2nd Amendment Rights via Executive Acts and introduced-bills instead of going through our Constitution's Amendment process.  These actions are illegal per our Constitution but nobody seems to care except millions upon millions of American citizens who are not being listened to! 

Also, at this same time this administration and president are seeking once again to impose unwanted "Immigration Reform" onto us!

And I'm not even going to touch on the subjects of a stagnant economy, thousands of company layoffs and closings with their accompanying massive job losses, the devaluing of our Dollar due to excessive printing of our money, our 17-plus trillion dollar debt due to excessive and continuing spending without a Constitutionally-required budget, the lowering of our country's Credit Rating in the world, and a judicial system that seems Hellbent on having Sharia Law be legally accepted and used alongside our Constitution...even though they are as different in their values as "over" is from "under".     

Is it any wonder that emotions are high?!   In my opinion we are truly justified in feeling angry, frustrated, fearful and DESERTED by those people we sent to Washington D.C. to represent us!

However, we MUST take a step back and THINK.  Ask yourself this question: "If a civil war broke out right now, are you prepared for it's repercussions?  Do you even truly know what some of those repercussions could be?

I've read so much violent rhetoric on the "comments" section of internet sites from BOTH the Left and the Right that it's sickening.  Too many people have no idea what war is truly about except from the view offered them by way of movies and video games.  Remember: it's easy to be an "armchair soldier" when one's life isn't on the line...when one's loved ones are still safe.

My friend Dave Weston, a veteran, asks you to take a look...a HARD what you are truly asking for when you clamor for war.  Put down your video games, turn off your television, and LISTEN to Dave's words.  Then let them sink in before you answer:  


War is more than just a mental / emotional / physical adjustment - War is indeed Hell on Earth. For those who talk about fighting for the Constitution - are you prepared for devastation? Do you understand that there will be times when there i
s no time to mourn? How much pain and violence can you really take? Will you be able to maintain your sanity under extreme fire? Will you be able to handle the stench of death that sticks inside your nose and abides? Do you grasp the fact that horrific memories never fade? Tyranny feasts upon your fears, cherishes your tears, and rejoices over your death. Be prepared. One must genuinely believe that it is better to die standing than live bowing."

In my opinion, no sane person should ever wish for war.

Those who are most eager for war will most likely be the first ones to cry "uncle" when faced with it's realities: for even the most gory of video games does not come close to experiencing war's
actual physical and emotional horrors.

There is no glory in war.  War is the VERY LAST THING YOU DO after ALL other avenues towards Peace have been exhausted.  People who fear war are not cowards.  They fear war because they have a fair idea that war is, indeed, a Hell they do not wish to have to enter unless absolutely necessary.  These are the people who will be the ones to actually step up and do the fighting...the sacrificing of not just self but of others dear to them.

Once one enters into war, there is no recourse nor turning back. You either win or you lose. But either way, many friends, neighbors, and loved ones will die.

While it is prudent and wise to "lock and load" and be prepared, we must continue to pray that we will win without ever having to fire a shot...and then continue preparations while leaving things in God's Hands. 

If war comes, then it comes...but let's not ask for it.  Our socialistic adversaries will step over the final line drawn in the sand soon enough as it is. 

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