Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Natural Born Conservative: Unveiled! Hawaii's 1961 long-form birth certificat...

Natural Born Conservative: Unveiled! Hawaii's 1961 long-form birth certificat...: "A close examination of the birth certificates issued by Kapi'olani to the Nordyke twins shows the registration number precedes the number gi..."

Ahhh...the power of the internet and of peoples' abilities to post TRUTHFUL documents IN ADDITION TO the White House's willingness to post fakes...again!

Wrong footprint...out of sequence certificate number...wrong certificate format...

Think this so-called Long Form BC is the real deal? Well, it just proves that you're still refusing to do your homework!

And instead of yelling and saying I don't know what I'm talking about, how about doing a little research, yourself?! If I can find this info, ANYONE CAN!

By the way...IF you BELIEVE this newly-released 'document' is real, can you now answer the following questions? :

WHY did Obama spend over a million dollars to SEAL his Birth Certificate and school records? (I'd have bought a boat, new clothes, a ranch, etc...)

WHY spend this kind of money only to throw it away by then releasing this "birth certificate"?

WHY WASN'T he vetted as John McCain was prior to being allowed to run for President in 2008? (And WHY was he allowed to run for President when he is NOT the child of TWO United States citizens as our Constitution requires?!)

WHY doesn't his name on this 'BC' correlate with the name he had been given by his mother...and was using in 1961?

WHY does Indonesia have RECORDS they have made public showing Obama's real name (Barry Soetoro) well as listing him as "British" and his religion as "Muslim"?

WHY aren't there any documents showing Obama's name change from 'Barry Soetoro' to 'Barack Hussein Obama'?

WHY do Kenyan Government Officials state that Obama was born in Kenya?

WHY did Michelle Obama state to an audience that Kenya "is my husband's home country" and yet the written Transcripts omit this part?

WHY did Obama, himself, state to an audience that "while my numbers are low here, they're very high in my home country"?

WHY did Obama's grandmother state that she had been present at his birth in Kenya?

WHY is there an OFFICIAL 'birthplace' for Obama in Kenya? And why ISN'T there one here in the United States?

WHY did the Associated Press write "The Kenyan-born Obama wins the Illinois Senate seat" and yet have since omitted the words "Kenyan-born" from their online posting? (They forgot that people save newspapers, I guess...and know how to upload this info onto the 'net.)

WHY has Obama used at least 16 DIFFERENT Social Security numbers...and continues to use a Connecticut SS # originally given to a man who died in the 1970's?
Since when does a U.S. citizen have trouble getting a Social Security number assigned to him/her when they provide their United States Birth required!
(What part of "ILLEGAL" don't you get regarding using 16 DIFFERENT Social Security numbers?) WHY THE NEED TO DO THIS?

WHY did Obama never use his 'attorney license' after supposedly graduating from law school and supposedly having passed the Bar?

WHY did Obama work under Michelle's attorney license...and never his the firm she was employed by?

WHY did Michelle Obama hand over her attorney license voluntarily...making it illegal for her to work as an attorney anymore? (Were 'wrongdoings' uncovered? Was this license a forgery?)

WHY is a 1961 newspaper clipping that announces the birth of Obama without stating WHERE he was born touted as being 'proof' of his citizenship...when even a third party could have supplied this info to the Hawaiian authorities at that time since it was only an announcement to let others know that Obama had been born 'somewhere'?

WHY did Obama FIRST say he had been born in one Hawaiian hospital only to later state that he had been born in a DIFFERENT hospital?

WHY did Obama's half-sister say he had been born in one Hawaiian hospital only to later state that he had been born in a DIFFERENT hospital?

If you can find FACTS that answer these questions and support your belief that Obama was born in the United States, then I'd love to hear them. But I'm not going to listen to emotionalism. SHOW ME THE MONEY...or, in this case, the FACTS!

Oh...and remember that other people SAYING they've seen the original BC is NOT PROOF, and will never even be accepted as PROOF at your local DMV!

But if Obama WAS born in the U.S.A., I'm SURE you have facts with much more substance than THAT!

I'll be waiting to hear from you.

(Crickets chirping....)

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