Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The TRUTH About The Rapture - Putting the Scriptures In Context

If ever there was a time in man's history when one could actually feel confident in saying we have finally entered the End Times, it is now.

NEVER have we actually SEEN the PROBABILITY of a New World Order coming to fruition as we see it arriving today. Our news media speaks of this as a "good" thing while our politicians promote it as the "only way" for our world and its' people to "progress". We are told that it "makes sense" to have "a One World Government" because business, commerce, our failing dollar (thank you, Federal Reserve Bank and Soros), the ever-increasing population, our ecology, and a "need to enter a New Age of Peace and Prosperity" mandates we do this!


Those leading this charge (such as George Soros, David Rockefeller, the Rothchilds, the Blumburgs, etc) are exceedingly rich and powerful people who desire even more power than what they have attained so far. They sold their souls a long time ago...but are still not content with the tremendous fruits of their greed because there is no such thing as "enough" to these 'architects' of a New World Order. They are prepared to do whatever they have to in order to accomplish their goal...and making the rest of the world's population subservient to them is just part of the game. They literally enjoy toppling countries and governments...and if people die, oh well. Guess it sucks to be you!

HOWEVER, there's something they either forgot or just never believed to begin with and it's this:

All of nature, Science, physics, the Universe and such shows us that there IS a GOD...and even Archaology proves that Jesus not only lived but was recognized as having performed miracles that have been 'reported' in stone by various civilizations existing around the time of his life.

Also, the Bible, while having been composed of various letters and notes, etc, has been PROVEN to be consistant and accurate by the very archaology that first set out to disprove it!

That, alone, could be called a miracle! However, here's one I only recently became aware of:

Reading the Bible's Book of Revelation today is like reading our daily newspapers...or listening to the News on TV. They both are following the same path in an unprecedented way! Okay, this isn't exactly new 'news', here......

BUT I have NEVER seen a time when INTERPRETATION wasn't necessary! ESPECIALLY WITH THE BOOK OF REVELATIONS! All my life I have heard from others that the Book of Revelation spoke in "mysteries" and couldn't be understood. In fact, most preachers and Reverends actually ignored it for the most part because it was too hard to try and interpret. I even remember years ago trying to read and understand it on my own only to end up frustrated and still basically ignorant.

Yet today we ARE suddenly UNDERSTANDING IT!

There's a reason for this, folks, and it has to do with our actually having entered the End Times. Our understanding is being allowed now because it's important that we truly understand where in God's Timeline we are at this moment...and to be prepared for when Jesus returns!

Does saying this outloud make me a kook...or crazy? NOPE. As most of you know, I like to simply deal with facts. The more facts, the better I like it.

Jesus IS the Son of God, folks...and whether you believe this or not, it will make no difference in his returning. Just in where you're going to be after he returns.

This video puts things into a 'nutshell' and deals with just FACTS that I think you may be interested in seeing.

P. S. : AND remember those exceedingly rich, powerful, and greedy people I told you about earlier in this article? Well, I guess it's going to SUCK TO BE THEM in the end! God Bless!

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