Thursday, May 19, 2011


It's time to lay down the signs and stop complaining. Nobody in our present government is listening to nor caring about what We The People are saying anymore.

It is now time to serve eviction papers on Barack Obama, his Czars, and all those Federal and State government leaders, those Supreme Court judges, those Federal judges, as well as ANY and ALL civilians who have:

Violated and usurped our Constitution's LEGAL AUTHORITY by NOT representing the American people but, instead, promoting their own personal desires and agendas above those of the American people...and who are now guilty of TREASON, among many other crimes as stated in this video document.

Refused to ENFORCE our Federal Immigration Laws, thereby causing our country's NATIONAL DEFENSE to be breached, and to REMAIN breached!

Aided in the usurption of our Constitution's LEGAL AUTHORITY by contrarily and wrongly INTERPRETING our Constitution so they could then pass unconstitutional laws in accordance with personal desires and goals...and against the Rights and Liberties of the American people which our Constitution PROTECTS.

Willingly refused to report or slanted the truth of what our government has been doing behind the backs of the American people, thereby giving aid to the UNconstitutional actions of this present government.

Shall I go on?'s all in this video.

As American citizens who love our country and do not want to see it die, this video is a MUST SEE! We do not have to rise up in arms against this present government. It can be done peacefully as this video outlines.

Then wait for the date to be announced. It's coming soon.

And if you have never heard of Oath Keepers...or have never joined...this is one organization that is well worth checking out.

God bless the Republic of the United States of America!

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