This article, 'Shooting From The Lip Is Not My Style' by Mr. Herman Cain should be read for it's commonsense value by all of us! Mr. Cain is no one's fool...and refuses to follow the actions of many others who speak first without knowing all the necessary facts on a given subject! Mr. Cain explains how a TRUE Leader must make decisions that will ultimately effect our country and it's citizens.
Mr. Herman Cain is one of the most articulate and intelligent people ever to run for President of our great nation! He has a long track record of success in the business world and is extremely business savvy which is what our nation needs to get out of this terribly dangerous economic situation that Obama and his administration have placed us in.
There are also quite a few videos on YouTube regarding this patriot, starting with the Clinton years on up to our present time. I think that if you watch them, you'll be highly impressed with how this man responds to difficult questions...and how he explains his plans in regards to solving various existing problems such as Border Security, our Economy, growing jobs for the American people, etc, etc, etc! You know...what the MAJORITY of Americans have been wanting all along!
Now...before I make my next statement, let me assure you that I am not a racist. In fact, I love it that people come in all colors, shapes, and sizes because it makes our world much less boring! To my way of thinking, we are all like Christmas presents under the Christmas tree...each one of us is 'wrapped' in our own unique 'paper' but what really matters is the gift which is INSIDE the present.
That being said, I firmly believe that if the GOP nominates a white candidate to run against Obama, Obama WILL win. Please don't think for a moment that the Race Card won't be played because it will. Even now, with the election still months ahead, many people who have already come out against Obama are being accused of racism...even if it's obvious that they are disagreeing with Obama's politics and actions, and not his skin color.
The Liberal Left has proven to us time and time again that it will do whatever it needs to do to uplift Obama in the eyes of his followers...and to win the 2012 presidential election. You think you've seen 'dirty' politics up to now? Just wait! We "ain't seen nothing yet". The Liberal Left means to WIN at ANY cost...and their tools will be lies, deceit, and racial accusations. They have come way too far to let something as inconsequential as an election deter their progress now.
And this is why we MUST have a Patriot who is savvy...has a successful business track record...stays on-target in a heated debate...believes in God and Family...loves our country and Constitution...carries himself the way a President should...and is of the SAME SKIN COLOR as Obama in order to even out the playing field! Thankfully, God has provided such a man to lead our country back onto it's Constitutional tracks...and now it's up to us to get the GOP to NOMINATE Mr. Cain for President for the 2012 election!
Personally, I don't just want to win in 2012...I want Obama ANHILATED at the polls! And Mr. Herman Cain WILL be able to do this!
Shooting from the lip is not my style
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